
Newcomer Success
Using Lingolift

Designed for newcomers and emergent multilinguals in grades 2-12, Lingolift helps students develop English language proficiency across all four language domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Short video lessons, curated by educators, engage students with language and content across a range of topics fundamental to becoming effective communicators and lifelong learners.

Intended as an onramp to Listenwise, Lingolift helps newcomers produce and acquire survival, social, and academic language as quickly as possible. Lingolift supports students with limited or interrupted formal education (SLIFE) in developing the language skills they need to succeed in any instructional setting. Learn more about this exciting addition to the Listenwise suite of tools in our Lingolift product tour.

Watch, Learn, Speak  Lingolift offers thousands of curated video lessons that follow a Watch, Learn, Speak instructional sequence. Students practice all four domains of language every day using built-in speech recognition and technology-enabled formative assessments designed to prepare students for grade level curriculum in all types of classrooms.

Teachers can assign videos to individual students, or students can choose video lessons that align with their interests. As they watch the video, students can turn off captions to practice comprehension only, while still being able to access the strong visual support in each video lesson. When students click on words as they watch a video, they can practice key vocabulary words. 

Lingolift Watch Student View

Students also have built-in options to slow audio and repeat audio as many times as they need, giving them the necessary tools and scaffolds to work independently and at a pace that fits their needs, helping build self-confidence. As students progress through the video lesson, they have access to a variety of scaffolds to help boost comprehension. Video captions allow students to read along in English as they watch.

Product Tour

The next step is to check for understanding. As they view the video a second time, students are asked to fill in the blanks with the words they are learning and are provided with immediate feedback, which is tracked for teachers to follow their progress.

Speak Grammar

Support in 15+ Languages With Our Texthelp Toolbar

The Texthelp toolbar provides students access to their native languages while supporting translanguaging. A built-in dictionary, including words and pictures, provide students another way to independently get support when they need it. 

Four Domains of Language Reading

Explore Our Social, Academic, and Grammar Collections

Social collections begin with basic survival English topics, such as introductions, colors, time, and weather, building to common conversational topics.

Academic collections teach language and content related to common curriculum topics.

Grammar collections provide practical guidance on topics such as singular and plural nouns, verb tenses, and using prepositions of time and place.

Product Tour Topics

Flexible Design

Why choose between a product that is self-paced or teacher-led when you can have both? 

Lingolift is a flexible solution for newcomers and emergent multilinguals that works in all kinds of instructional settings. Our instructional flexibility is ideal for teachers in classrooms with diverse student populations and levels of English language proficiency.

Students can work independently or participate in small-group or whole-class lessons involving both online and offline activities. The teacher dashboard enables progress tracking for individual students and classes.  

Lingolift and Listenwise: Better Together

Lingolift is an all-in-one solution for teaching survival, social, and academic language and content together. By pairing a Lingolift and Listenwise subscription, you have access to a platform that follows student growth — from their first 90 days and beyond.

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Facts and Features

Fact: Spanish is the most common home language for English learners in 45 states. The next most commonly spoken primary languages include Arabic, Chinese, and Vietnamese. 

Feature: Lingolift has a built-in Texthelp toolbar to provide students access to 15+ languages to support using native languages as an asset to acquire English. 

Four Domains of Language Reading
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Standards-Aligned Lessons

Our curated lesson collections build survival, social, academic language through strategic teacher guidance designed to support long-term integration of research-based best practices for newcomers and emergent multilinguals. Lessons address a wide variety of curriculum topics and build students’ vocabulary and background knowledge to help them access core curriculum.

Ready-Made Teacher’s Guides and Embedded Assessments

Whether you’re welcoming your first newcomers or you are a veteran teacher looking to save prep time, our ready-made teacher’s guides and embedded assessments make teaching newcomers and emergent multilinguals easy.

Lingolift also makes a great resource for substitute planning to ensure that your newcomers never miss an opportunity to practice their English language skills.

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