
Listen Closely to Real World Voices

Engage all your students in listening across the curriculum, with built-in supports for struggling readers and ELLs.

Why Listening Works

On the Importance of Listening Comprehension
New research shows that a growing number of children become struggling readers primarily due to poor listening comprehension.


On the Importance of Listening Comprehension
Listening to English while reading English subtitles helps you decode words and read better.

Our PREMIUM Solution for Schools

Our school solution allows teachers create custom online assignments from our rich library of lesson resources. Whether your classroom is blended, flipped or 1:1, you can give your students the power of public radio.

Built-in Literacy Supports

Literacy supports such as interactive transcripts, vocabulary and reduced speed audio are delivered directly to the students who need them. Use them to improve comprehension and to cite evidence.

Listening Across the Curriculum

Curated audio stories with lessons designed for social studies and science classrooms as well as ELA. Easily integrate literacy skills across the existing curriculum.

Scaffolding Strategies for Teachers

Lessons include scaffolding strategies for building background and close listening. Teachers can go even further with language objectives and aligned practice.

"My ELL kids struggle with vocabulary as much as comprehension and Listenwise is great for both... Wednesdays are Listenwise days and the kids look forward to it!"

— Amelia Soura, Reading Specialist in Orlando FL