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Kyra Lewis/KERA News

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CURRENT EVENT | April 8, 2021

The Many Meanings of "Hispanic"

The term “Hispanic” refers to a broad array of Spanish-speaking people from various countries, backgrounds, and ethnicities. Many Americans associate the word primarily with Mexicans or Spaniards, though, and do not fully appreciate the diversity it represents. A narrow understanding of “Hispanic” can lead to stereotyping and historical narratives that exclude certain groups. Listen to Hispanic Americans discuss the assumptions people make about them based on the Hispanic label and why it’s important for people to appreciate the complexities of their identities.

Story Length: 4:04

Listen to the Story:


National Public Radio © 2020


Listening Comprehension Questions

  • What happened to the college student when he was in middle school, and how did he respond?
  • What did the reporter learn about Latin American cultures when she was growing up?
  • Why were people surprised to see the senior at UT El Paso dance to Spanish music, according to the story?
  • What concerns does the professor have about people’s understanding of Hispanic history and culture?

Classroom Discussion Themes

  • How might a limited understanding of the term “Hispanic” be harmful to Hispanic Americans? Use examples from the audio story to support your answer.
  • How might schools help young people deepen their understanding of what “Hispanic” means?