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CURRENT EVENT | February 19, 2019

"Baldo" Comic Strip Features Latino Voices

The comic strip Baldo has been published in newspapers across the United States for 20 years. It was the first ever to feature a Latino family as the main characters. Hector Cantu, the author of Baldo was inspired to create the comic strip after noticing how few Latino characters were represented in comics. Baldo features fictional characters who deal with real life issues. Listen to this story to hear from the author of Baldo about the creation of this ground-breaking work.

Story Length: 4:14

Listen to the Story:


National Public Radio © 2019


Listening Comprehension Questions

  • What does Cantu believe sets ‘Baldo’ apart from other comics?
  • How do issues in the news influence his writing?
  • How has Cantu reacted to feedback from readers about his comic strip?
  • How does Cantu describe the origins of his interest in writing?
  • What advice would Cantu give to people who do not encounter enough characters who represent them?

Classroom Discussion Themes

  • Why do you think it was important to Cantu to avoid stereotypes? Why do you think he wanted to have characters that “weren’t perfect” but were “good people”? Support your answer with details from the story.
  • Why is it important to have characters of all kinds in comics and other popular media? Use examples from the story to explain your reasoning.