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Story Length: 7:06

Afghanistan’s Romeo and Juliet

The story of Romeo and Juliet is a fictional Shakespearean tragedy about star-crossed lovers. In Afghanistan, falling in love with someone from a different background can get you killed, especially if you are a woman. A true story of love between a man and woman from different ethnic sects of Islam was reported in The New York Times. Journalists have a code that requires them to remain impartial in their work, but one reporter got involved and helped these people during their crisis. Listen to how he helped this couple avoid danger, similar to the friar and nurse who helped Romeo and Juliet.

Story Length: 7:06

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National Public Radio © 2016 National Public Radio, Inc. Used with the permission of NPR. All rights reserved.


Listening Comprehension Questions

What puts Zakia and Ali at risk as a couple?

How did the story’s universal appeal influence its popularity and the coverage?

How does social media impact both the storytelling and the subjects' lives?

What are the similarities between “Romeo and Juliet” and Zakia and Ali?

Is journalistic subjectivity more permissible when reporting a personal story versus a political story?

  • Listening Organizers

  • Descriptions and Feelings
  • T-Chart: Journalist vs. Participant
  • Language Identification Organizer