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Story Length: 3:52

Teen Girls and Positive Social Media Messages

Social media has the power to influence our personal lives as well as the world around us. In this audio story, you will hear about a group of teenage girls who took to social media to fight bullying and to effect change in their educational environments. Students explain how Instagram helped them to build confidence among their group of friends, as well as how they used Twitter to raise awareness about dress code issues at school. Listen to learn more about the positive ways in which teenage girls are using social media to build self-esteem and feel empowered.

Story Length: 3:52

Listen to the Story:




Listening Comprehension Questions

In what ways is social media helping to change the lives of teens?

Why is it important for teens, parents, and school administrators to pay attention to what’s being posted on social media?

What facts support the idea that students are using social media in positive ways?

How have negative ways of using social media influenced teens to become more positive in their posts? Why is this important?

How could social media “turn shame into empowerment?

What are the most important aspects of this audio story? Why?

  • Listening Organizers

  • Positive/Negative Social Media Uses
  • Language Identification Organizer