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Story Length: 7:26

A Reluctant Hero

On September 11, 2001, the United States experienced acts of terrorism. But the response on that day included countless acts of heroism, big and small. Friends, co-workers, emergency workers and strangers did what they could to protect the people around them. Michael Benfante is one of these heroes, though he is uncomfortable with being called a hero. Benfante worked in the second tower of the World Trade Center and as he fled down the staircase he encountered a woman in a wheelchair who needed his help. Listen to learn more about his decision to help carry her out of the doomed building and the lasting impact it’s had on his life.

Story Length: 7:26

Listen to the Story:


National Public Radio © 2011


Listening Comprehension Questions

What did Michael Benfante do to save the woman in a wheelchair?

Why is it difficult for Benfante to focus on the positive things that came out of 9/11?

What happened after Benfante put Tina in an ambulance? How did he survive?

Why was Benfante’s timing so important?

Who does Benfante say are the real heroes that day? Why?

  • Listening Organizers

  • Fact, Question, Response
  • T-Chart: 9/11 Hero
  • Language Identification
  • Fill in the Blank