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CURRENT EVENT | June 15, 2018

Debate: Should Panhandling Be Illegal?

A new Sacramento law makes what the city calls “aggressive panhandling” illegal. It forbids people from begging for food or money within 30 feet of a bank or ATM or outside of restaurants. Those caught breaking this law more than three times face fines and jail time. One homeless man is suing the city because he believes this rule violates his right to free speech. The city argues that it is only trying to prevent the most forceful panhandling and plans to defend the rule. Listen to this story about Sacramento’s new law and then debate: Should panhandling be illegal?

Story Length: 1:55

Listen to the Story:


Capital Public Radio © 2018


Listening Comprehension Questions

  • Why is James Clark, a homeless man, suing the city of Sacramento?
  • What does Sacramento’s new law prohibit panhandlers from doing?
  • What are the consequences for panhandlers who break this law?
  • Why does a lawyer believe Sacramento’s new law is unconstitutional?
  • Why did the city of Sacramento pass this law?
  • What are the homeless man’s lawyers planning to do next regarding this law?

Classroom Discussion Themes

  • Debate: Should panhandling be illegal?
  • How would you feel if someone asked you for food or money as you were leaving a restaurant? Explain your answer.